International Programs Committee

In support of the mission of ReconcilingWorks, the International Program (IP) of ReconcilingWorks offers support, collaboration and liaison on LGBT issues internationally within the Lutheran communion and its ecumenical and global partners.  The IP is partnered with the other ministries of ReconcilingWorks and is set within a theological concept of accompaniment.  Accompaniment is based on the mutual respect and solidarity of the companions and emphasizes relationship before resources.

The International Programs Committee continues to remain in contact with the Program Director of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) in New York and has become an associate member of the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA). 

The Co-President of the European Forum of Lesbian and Gay Christian Groups and the International Program Director of ReconcilingWorks drafted a joint communiqué fleshing out more details of the proposed collaboration between the two organizations.  The communiqué was presented to the Boards of the respective organizations, approved and then issued publicly on July 28, 2008.  The IPC will proceed, in collaboration with the European Forum, with the development of a strategy to move the collaboration ahead.

See also these IPC policy papers:

IPC Policy Paper 1 – Mission, Definitions

IPC Policy Paper 2 – Certification, Credentialing

IPC Policy Paper 3 – Capacity Building