A new RIC community: St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church (Sudbury, MA)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to present our newest RIC community: St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sudbury, Massachusetts!

Their welcome statement reads: “Welcome one another therefore, just as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God.” Romans 15:7 The congregation of St John declares itself an open and affirming faith community and invites all people to join our journey toward greater love, acceptance, and mutual respect. Christ calls us to reconciliation and wholeness and challenges us to be agents of healing. We recognize and celebrate the diversity of God’s creation and affirm that we are all beloved children of God. We acknowledge and appreciate that there are differences among us, but believe that we can love alike, even though we are not alike. We commit ourselves to inclusivity and welcome persons of every race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, socioeconomic class, marital status, family configuration, and political affiliation to participate fully in our congregation. We trust that God intends to enrich our community through a deepening embrace of diversity and a unifying faith that transcends our differences. As we are freely loved and accepted by God, we will offer love and acceptance to all.”

Join them for worship on Sunday at 9:30am, or visit them online at http://www.stjohnsudbury.org/!
