A New RIC Community: Emmanuel Lutheran Church (Prescott Valley, AZ)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Emmanuel Lutheran Church (Prescott Valley, AZ). Their welcome statement reads:

We are an inclusive faith community that seeks to live the Word and Way of Christ’s unconditional love. This means that like Christ, we believe each person is a beloved child of God, regardless of shape, size, economic status, religious background, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender identity, or anything else that could divide us. We give thanks to God for the unique identities with which we are created and have found here a fellowship of believers that accepts us just as we are. Come worship with us and enjoy all aspects of our life together, including baptism, confirmation, communion, marriage and burial.

Learn more about Emmanuel Lutheran Church at: http://www.emmanuellutheranpv.org/