A New RIC Community: Peace Lutheran Church (Austin, TX)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Peace Lutheran Church (Austin, TX).

Their welcome statement reads:

“At Peace Lutheran Church, we strive to follow Christ’s call for grace, inclusion and freedom from oppression.

At Peace Lutheran Church, we strive to follow Christ’s call for grace, inclusion and freedom from oppression.

• We welcome people of all races and ethnicities, and national origins…including those who are immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers

• We welcome people of all ages … including those who are infants, children, teens, adults, elderly, old souls and kids at heart.

• We welcome people in different types of relationships…including those who are single, separated, divorced, and widowed; and those in marriages, partnerships, and friendships.

• We welcome people with wide-ranging health, physical and mental ability and emotional maturity…including those who are addicted, struggling, and those who are in recovery.

• We welcome people of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities…including those who are gay, lesbian, and bisexual; and those who are transgender, non-binary, and gender nonconforming.

• We welcome people with diverse backgrounds, employment and housing situations…including those who are unemployed, homeless, and in transition

• We welcome people with differing political, social or religious affiliations…including those who are seeking and those claiming no affiliation

We strive to welcome everyone in accordance with The Scriptures.”

Learn more about Peace Lutheran Church at: http://www.peaceaustin.org/.