A New RIC Community: Breath of God Lutheran Church (Baltimore, MD)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Breath of God Lutheran Church (Baltimore, MD).

Their welcome statement reads:

As a congregation, Breath of God Lutheran Church welcomes and meets all people with grace and love. For us, a welcoming community values storytelling, always aspires to improve, actively tries to unlearn and dismantle oppressive systems, holds one another accountable, and offers continuing opportunities for growth. Our love for God and for our neighbors demands nothing less of us. As a congregation, we commit ourselves to the full, genuine, and Christ-like welcome and inclusion of all people, in the striking diversity of their identities, cultures, backgrounds, perspectives, and life experiences. The fullness of these identities includes, but is not limited to, sexual orientation and gender identity, immigration status, age, ability, language, race, family composition, profession, education, socioeconomic status, and living situation. We aim to be a community in which people can grow to more fully know and love themselves, as they are fully known and loved by God. And we embrace the ways that this full welcome and inclusion transforms our congregation and community in mutually sustaining ways. As a congregation, we welcome you: In worship – as you are, whenever you feel the call to join us; In service alongside one another – sharing our unique gifts to address our neighbors’ needs and work for justice; In building community with one another – nurturing life-giving and transformative relationships throughout Southeast Baltimore; In learning and growing together as disciples of Jesus Christ. As a congregation, we strive to not only welcome, but celebrate your yesterday, your today, and your tomorrow as we grow in community together.

Learn more about Breath of God Lutheran Church at: http://www.breathofgodlc.org