A New RIC Community: Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario Synod (Winnipeg, MB)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario Synod (Winnipeg, MB).

Their welcome statement reads:

“We have been reconciled to God through Christ. God forms us in the image of God, knows us and welcomes us. The MNO Synod seeks to welcome, embody, inspire, and support the acceptance and full participation of people of all racial and ethnic identities; as well as all sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, their allies/supporters, friends and families. We strive for racial equity, and we want all people to know that they are each created in the image of God and valued for who they are. Through the grace of God, we are the Body of Christ when we embrace diversity and when all people are invited to participate fully in the life and ministry of the church. The MNO Synod commits itself to ongoing education, honest reflection, discussion, and policy and process development that will make our communities a safe space for all people to find welcome and to grow in faith. We ask God to guide us in living out this ministry of reconciliation.

Learn more about Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario Synod at: http://www.mnosynod.org