A New RIC Community: St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church (Bellevue, WA)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church (Bellevue, WA).

Their welcome statement reads:

“Welcome to St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church!

Jesus calls us to reconciliation and wholeness in a world full of alienation and brokenness. Being transformed by the love of God to direct our actions, we seek to live out our church’s mission statement: “Growing together in Christ to love and serve all people.”

Because God’s love upholds, sustains, and embraces all people, we are committed to welcoming everyone regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, race, culture, neurodivergence, ability, age, addiction, relationship status, economic circumstances, or other distinction. Each person is a unique creation and child of God deserving of acceptance and celebration.

We welcome you to our congregation and invite you to participate in all aspects of our community—including baptism and communion, education and fellowship, leadership and service, and weddings and memorials.

Believing that the grace of Jesus can heal us from fear, prejudice, and hate, we journey with Christ and seek to follow His example of unconditional love. Join with us in the work against racism and discrimination in all forms: institutional, systemic, and personal. We will hold ourselves accountable—individually and collectively—to love our neighbor as ourselves through ongoing education, advocacy, and the intentional pursuit of physical, emotional, and spiritual safety, and justice and equity for all.

Learn more about St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church at: www.salc.church