HEARTS UNBOUND: Engaging Biblical texts of God’s Radical Love through Reader’s Theater

HEARTS UNBOUND: Engaging Biblical texts of God’s Radical Love through Reader’s Theater by David R. Weiss is a collection of ten inspiring stories of radical love and welcome. Entertaining, thought-provoking, and participatory, each session looks in-depth at the story, the historical context out of which it came, and some of the insights to be gained.

Designed to be used as a small-group Bible study, HEARTS UNBOUND uses the format of Reader’s Theater. But fear not… no costumes, sets, or refined acting chops needed! All you need are six to eight people around a table, reading the script, having fun, all the while learning a great deal in the process.

Available for free download here from the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force‘s Institute for Welcoming Resources:http://welcomingresources.org/heartsunbound.pdf

IWR Hearts unbound