My Lutheran Faith Community Performs Same Gender Weddings!

ReconcilingWorks is already getting calls about Lutheran congregations who will be providing marriages for couples affected by this ruling.

To date ReconcilingWorks has tracked if a congregation provides blessing services. Now ReconcilingWorks will also start tracking if a congregation provides marriages for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) couples. Regardless of your faith community’s Reconciling in Christ (RIC) status, if you provide marriage services, please fill out this form so ReconcilingWorks staff can provide up-to-date and accurate information for LGBT couples who are inquiring. RIC setting info will be added to the setting’s public profile. Non-RIC congregations info will be held in house and used only by ReconcilingWorks.

On our Reconciling in Christ webpagemar is the icon used to show congregations who do LGBT marriage services. If your congregation does LGBT weddings, and you do not have an icon next to your name, fill out this Google form to be added to the list. NOTE: If a congregation does not have the icon next to their name, it may mean the congregation has not yet indicated so to us. Individual Lutheran clergy (in, between, or out of calls) are welcome to indicate that they will perform LGBT weddings. Just fill out the top portion of this form (your contact information) and leave the lower part blank (your faith community’s information). We will share this list as individuals needing wedding services inquire.