Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Christ Lutheran Church (Monroe, MI).
Their welcome statement reads:
“In faithfulness to Jesus’s call to love one another as he loved us, we at Christ Lutheran Church endeavor to welcome everyone to worship among us, and to participate fully in the life and work of our church. As children of God, we affirm the dignity and worth of ALL of God’s children. At Christ Lutheran, ALL means ALL. Regardless of race, ethnicity, economic status, age, marital status, how you look, how you dress, children or no children, physical or mental disabilities, you are welcome. ALL means regardless of sexual orientation, who you love, what your gender identity or expression is, Christ Lutheran is a welcoming, hospitable, and safe place for you. We are a community that echoes Christ’s call to stand against all injustice and oppression, including racial injustice.“
Learn more about Christ Lutheran Church at: