A New RIC Community: Public Witness Team for Peace and Justice (Argyle, TX)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Public Witness Team for Peace and Justice (Argyle, TX).

Their welcome statement reads:

“The Public Witness Team for Peace and Justice of the Northern Texas – Northern Louisiana Synod, having been charged with the work of social justice and anti-racism, supports the inclusion of all in full participation in this ministry.
Regardless of any distinctions society puts on you because of your race, abilities and/or disabilities, family status, personal history, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity and expression, know that we joyfully welcome you to participate fully in all of our meetings and events.

Learn more about the Public Witness Team for Peace and Justice from their team by contacting: publicwitnessntnl@gmail.com