A New RIC Community: Sierra Evangelical Lutheran Church (Sierra Vista, AZ)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Sierra Evangelical Lutheran Church (Sierra Vista, AZ).

Their welcome statement reads:

“Sierra Evangelical Lutheran Church is here to welcome all. Our ministry is rooted in God’s Word and unconditional love revealed most fully in Jesus Christ, offering respect and acceptance of people of all sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, race, ethnicity, physical/mental abilities, age and economic circumstances. We commit ourselves to making justice, racial equity and inclusivity a true cornerstone of our church. We invite you to grow in Christ’s love as we learn from one another, fully saints and fully sinners. We ask for God’s Grace and power to help us be a church where all truly feel safe, accepted and freed to live out their divine calling.

Learn more about Sierra Evangelical Lutheran Church at: www.selcaz.org