A New RIC Community: All Saints Lutheran Church (Novato, CA)

12006264_1203567579658847_4474093850171912762_nHelp ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: All Saints Lutheran Church in Novato, California.

Their welcome statement reads:

Welcome Statement: We invite all into the grace, love and acceptance we have from God. WE WELCOME YOU: who you are, as you are; where you’re coming from. We welcome: all sexual orientations and gender identities all ages, financial situations, married, divorced, single, with or without children all racial, ethnic, and social backgrounds all who are struggling with addictions and other personal hardships all levels of physical and mental health and abilities all faith backgrounds, those questioning their faith, and those new to faith Every one is welcome. We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation. We invite all to fully participate in the life and ministry of All Saints Lutheran Church where we seek to share God’s love and grace through word and action.

Learn more about All Saints Lutheran at http://www.allsaintsnovato.org/ and on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/All-Saints-Lutheran-Church-Novato-CA-135469606468655/.