A New RIC Community: Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church (Seattle, WA)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church (Seattle, WA).

Their welcome statement reads:

“As people made one in the waters of baptism, we believe our lives and faith are strengthened by diversity. We strive to be a community that welcomes people of every ability, age, citizenship status, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, language, life circumstance, marital status, political perspective, race, and sexual orientation. Whether you are a believer, doubter, or seeker, we openly welcome and value you. We celebrate God’s unconditional love and respond joyfully to your presence here. All are welcome. You are welcome.”

Learn more about Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church at: http://prlc.org.